Dr. Ronald B. Standler
Legal Consultant in
Meteorology & Atmospheric Physics
Brief credentials and experience of Dr. Standler:
- Ph.D. in physics 1977, J.D. 1998
- scientific research in atmospheric electricity, including lightning (1971-1979)
- professor of electrical engineering for ten years
- author of more than 35 archival papers in physics and electrical engineering and one book,
see my c.v.
- attorney in Massachusetts since 1998, admitted to practice in all state and federal courts
in Massachusetts
I began my graduate studies during 1971-72 in an atmospheric science department,
where I worked with Prof. Bernard Vonnegut, the inventor of silver iodide cloud
seeding. That experience led to my interest in the law of weather modification,
as well as my interest in legal liability for negligent weather forecasting.
See my essays on those topics.
During 1972-77, I was a graduate student in a physics department, but did research
in atmospheric electricity. My M.Sc. thesis was on the different performance
between blunt and sharp tips on lightning rods. My Ph.D. dissertation was on the
effect of corona discharge from grass and trees on the electric field near the
earth's surface during thunderstorms.
During 1977-79, I was a visiting assistant professor of electrical engineering
at the University of Florida in Gainesville, where I worked with Prof. Martin Uman,
one of the world's leading authorities on lightning.
Prof. Uman and I invented a patented lightning-activated relay that could be used
for warning of lightning, as well as protection of electronic sensors and circuits.
Unfortunately, my allergies to pollen and mold forced me out of Florida,
which ended my career in lightning research.
My experience during 1971-79 with research in atmospheric physics,
and especially lightning, led to my writing several
essays on legal liability for lightning.
My subsequent work in electrical engineering (1980-1995),
and my attending law school (1995-98),
is described in my biography.
I support litigators with cases involving
physics, atmospheric science, or meteorology,
including legal research
and evaluation of discovery. My essays show
my ability to synthesize information from law, science, engineering,
and even medicine.
In addition to consulting with litigators, I am interested in designing contracts
and disclaimers for private weather forecasters to allocate risks.
Contact Dr. Standler
Because I am licensed to practice law only in Massachusetts, I can not give legal advice to
clients in other states. If you live outside of Massachusetts,
the only way I can help you is if your local attorney hires me as a consultant.
See my hints on how to find an attorney in the USA.
For cases involving injury or damage by lightning, weather modification, or weather forecasts,
you probably need an attorney who is experienced with tort (personal injury) litigation.
Contact Dr. Standler.

Copyright by Ronald B. Standler
this document is at http://www.rbs2.com/meteorol.htm
first posted 8 Dec 2007, revised 16 Aug 2012.